Using our online bouquet delivery service, please use the chart below and enter the appropriate delivery option at check out.
Rates vary based on distance from downtown Portland and are determined by zip code. 

Local Pick-Up FREE

  1. you can pick up your order at our production center during open hours
    (please call to arrange a pick-up time in advance)

Downtown Portland $10

zip codes:  97201, 97202, 97204, 97205, 97206, 97209, 97210, 97212, 97213, 97214, 97215, 97227, 97232, 97239

Outlying Areas $15

zip codes: 97211, 97217, 97218, 97219, 97221, 97225, 97229, 97203 

 Delivery  is also available for bulk and decor orders. Rates vary depending on size of the order.
Please let us know if you don't see your desired zip code listed and we'll do our best to accommodate you.
Call us for more details, thanks.


*Delivery times are not always a guarantee and are approximate; we will deliver at the designated time as efficiently as possible.